P.O. BOX 926 • FINDLAY, OHIO 45839
JIM MARCKEL, CURATOR • 419-424-1961 X131
CGGC Archives Museum
News Magazines
Published twice a year, the News Magazine, official publication of the Historical Society, features stories of Churches of God Ministries, Church Histories and Events, and Life Stories of Church Families-present and past. It also covers Museum activities with pictures of our visitors and those doing research. Established in August 1991, the News Magazine continues to deliver interesting news and articles relating to our CGGC Archives Museum. Jonathan Binkley had been the News Magazine Editor for many years.
The Global Advocate
Published Bi-Monthly, The Global Advocate, official publication of the Churches of God, General Conference, exists to encourage members of the CGGC to maximize their collective potential for Kingdom impact. Established June 5, 1835 as The Gospel Publisher, re-established on May 1, 1846 as The Church Advocate, and re-established on October 19, 2019 as The Global Advocate. Rachel Foreman, Managing Editor.
Historical Books
We are in the process of digitizing historical books from our archive. At present, books digitized by Google appear in this collection.
History of the Churches of God in the United States of North America by C. H. Forney, 1913
History of the Churches of God in North America, 2nd Ed., S. G. Yahn, 1926
Glimpses of Bogra (India), Viola G. Hershey, 1912